The organization page

The organization page is the highest configuration level that you can find within our platform. It allows you to manage high level settings that will apply to all your accounts and users at the same time. 

You’ll find below a quick overview of the different level of configuration we offer within the platform:

Granularity Description Page
Individual settings This page allows you to activate features or options solely on your profile as a platform user Profile page 
Account settings This page allows you to activate features or options on an entire AB Tasty account. Account management page
Organization settings This page allows you to manage settings on your entire organization, meaning every account you own and manage as an owner. Organization page 

What is an organization?

What we call an organization is the right level from which you organize your experimentation strategy and plans as a team. It’s a flexible definition that can fit a wide variety of use cases. Some of our customers drive all their experimentation roadmap from one single team for their entire company. Some others work in “smaller” entities: on a country level or region-wide scale (Europe, APAC, etc.). 

We defined the organization to be the right fit for your context!

Get in touch with your dedicated AB Tasty interlocutor if you need to adjust a little bit the way your organization is structured within our platform, we can adapt to any situation to fit your use case.


The organization page includes the following two tabs: 

  • Users: to manage user accesses and rights.
  • Super admins: to view and/or add/delete super admins for your organization.

Users tab

The users tab is displayed by default for super admins when landing on the page.

The Organization checkup section displays the inactive and unsecured users to enable you to view at a glance users that may require an action.

  • Inactive users are those who have not logged in to AB Tasty in the past 3 months.
  • Unsecured users are those who have no MFA method setup.

By clicking "review list" for any of the two categories, the table below will be filtered to display only inactive or unsecured users.

The list of users (table) allows you to manage all your organization users, regardless of which AB Tasty account they're registered with. We gave the super admin new tools to easily manage widely:

  • User creation 
  • User accesses
  • And user rights

All in one place, with easy search and filtering features for you to look actively for the right user. 

Creating a new user inside your organization 

To create a new user inside your organization, you can click “Add user” at the top of the page.

Inside a dedicated popin, you’ll then be able to add one to X new user(s) by filling in the following information:

  • New user email address
  • New user role (please refer to our dedicated section for detailed explanation about our different user roles)
  • Accounts on which the new user will be able to work on 

You can add as many users as you want: this tool gives you the ability to add multiple users in just one manipulation, simply by clicking on the “Add user CTA”. 

When adding multiple users at the same time, you can choose a different role for every user, but the account(s) on which they will be able to work on will be the same.

Once added, the new user (through the email you declared) will receive an email inviting him to log in to the platform (through an expirable link), to finalize its inscription. 

Editing existing user rights

Through the table, you can review every user that is working on your organization. By hovering over a specific user inside the table, you will be able to see two icons, the pen icon to edit the user rights, and the trash icon to delete the user from your organization. 

Deleting a user

Clicking on the trash icon will permanently delete the user from your organization (meaning from all accounts he had previously access to). Once you click on the icon, a popin will appear and ask you to confirm this permanent deletion for the concerned user.

You can select multiple users by clicking the checkboxes left to each user line, to delete permanently from your organization multiple users at once.

Changing user rights on account(s) 

By clicking on the pen icon, we will display you the current state of this user rights. One column is dedicated to the accounts he has access to, and the other one is for the role related to this specific account. You can consider multiple different actions from there: 

  • Add new account(s) on this user configuration, by clicking the “add account” call to action. You will have to define his rights on this new account
  • Remove access to a specific account, by clicking the cross icon left to the account you want to remove him from
  • Change the role a user have on a specific account, by selecting a different one inside the role dropdown (for example going through user to admin, and letting him manage the reporting)
  • And many more actions (or even all three listed above at once)

Resetting the MFA of a user 

By hovering over any line of the table, you will notice a reset icon enabling you to reset the MFA method of a user.

By clicking the icon, a confirmation popin is displayed. If you confirm, the user will have to reconfigure their MFA.

Performing this action can be useful for example when a user has lost their MFA device or backup codes.

Only a super admin can reset the MFA method of a user.

Super admins tab

The super admins tab enables you to manage super admin rights. Super admin is the highest level of user management in our platform. They are the only role that has full ownership over the organization settings. 

You will find every organization's super admin listed in a dedicated table. From there, you can perform two actions: 

  • Revoke one’s super admin access by clicking on the trash icon appearing on hover to each super admin reference line inside the table. Revoking a super admin will automatically downgrade the user to the admin role. For a complete deletion, you will need to proceed with it from the user management table 
  • Add a new super admin 

Adding a new super admin 

To add a new super admin, you just have to click on the add super admin CTA, on the super admin table’s top right corner. Once you do that, you have two ways to validate a new super admin. 

The first option allows you to upgrade an existing user to the super admin role. On click to the “add super admin” popin email field, we will display the complete list of all your users on the organization level. From there, you can select the one you want to upgrade as super admin, or refine you search to look for a specific user 

The second option allows you to directly create a new user as a super admin. To do that, you just need to enter the right email address. This will be a new creation, and the new added user will go through our new user process: he will receive an email to connect and create its password, and will be directly a new super admin on your organization.

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