👉 Defining a trigger (How section)

The How section is part of the targeting step, along with the choice of visitor Segment (Who section) and the target pages (Where section). 

📖 Definition

A trigger is a temporary user condition that enables you to display the campaign in the right context. The trigger enables the campaign to be displayed only when the conditions are met, to the configured visitor segment. It answers the “When?” question.

⚙️ Configuration

To define your trigger, you can either display your campaign regardless of user circumstances/conditions, use an existing trigger or build a custom trigger.

Using no trigger (Any time)

The Any time option is selected by default. This means your campaign is always displayed, regardless of user circumstances/conditions, while respecting the target pages and segment(s) configured.

Using an existing trigger

You can apply a previously saved trigger to your current campaign. The list of all the saved triggers is available directly from the drop-down list. Before using a saved trigger, you can edit it and save your changes. However, you cannot edit a trigger that is already being used in one or several live campaign(s), as it would affect the results of this/these campaign(s). In this case, we recommend creating another trigger.

🚩 Heads up

You can’t use a saved trigger and add a specific condition to it. For example, using a saved trigger called “Visitors from January newsletter” and adding a “mobile only” condition. In this case, you must edit your saved trigger or create a custom trigger. 

Building a new trigger

You can also create a trigger by combining one or several triggering criteria. After building your trigger, you can either:

  • Click Save to reuse it for other campaigns.
  • Click Use without saving to make the trigger unique and linked to this campaign only.


⭐ Good to know

You can use both AND and OR operators. 
AND means that all the configured triggers have to be met. That is to say that your campaign will be triggered if the visitor respects all the rules you have configured.
OR means that only some of the configured triggers have to be met. That is to say that your campaign will be triggered if the visitor respects at least one of the rules you have configured.
This flexibility enables you to create specific and complex situations to orchestrate the triggering of your campaigns. 

💡 Use case

Let’s say you have implemented a popin to display a coupon code that you want to offer to all visitors who are not using an Adblocker and after they saw more than 6 pages viewed on your website. In another campaign, you want to display a popin with a promotional offer based on the exact same conditions.
To do this, you need to create a new trigger and save it, to be able to reuse it in your second campaign:

  1. Select Create new trigger from the dropdown list. 
  2. Choose Minimum Page Viewed and select is equal or greater than > 6.
  3. Click Add AND criterion.
  4. Choose Adblocker and select is not using.
  5. Name your trigger (for example, Viewers with no adb) and click Save.
  6. Click Save step.
  7. In the How section of your second campaign, select the trigger you have created directly from the drop-down list. 


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Submit your request at product.feedback@abtasty.com

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