πŸ‘‰ Managing indicators of the Goals step

πŸ“– Definition

Indicators are metrics that are available in your campaigns (either native metrics or self-configured) and that have not been selected as primary or secondary goals.

When you select an indicator, it will appear in the primary and the secondary goal areas, and it is selected for your campaign, meaning that the corresponding data will be displayed in your campaign report and becomes a goal.


The more transaction tags, Action tracking, Page tracking or Custom tracking you implement, the longer the list of indicators will be.Β 

To hide or delete out-of-date indicators in order to clear and lighten the indicator list, go to the goal manager page in the settings.


This makes it easier and more convenient to find the indicators you want to set as primary or secondary goal(s) for your campaign; thereby getting rid of obsolete ones.



Best practices

  • The primary goal is the main metric on which you will base your decision following your A/B test campaign. It must be an action that your visitors take on your site, and which should be directly affected by the modification made in the A/B test. (ex: click on a CTA you have changed the color)
  • Secondary goals are metrics to be tracked as part of the A/B test, but which will be less sensitive than the primary goal to the modification you've made as part of your A/B test. Secondary goals are useful to distinguish between two versions of the same primary goal, or to continue tracking transaction performance if transaction rate is not the primary goal of your A/B test.


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Submit your request atΒ product.feedback@abtasty.com

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