Campaign reporting

A reporting is a single and unique page that is generated for each campaign you execute with AB Tasty, whether that’s a test or a personalization campaign. The reporting is a valuable tool that assists you in making decisions to increase your conversion rates.

How to access the reporting

You can access the reporting by clicking on the reporting button on any campaign in your Web experimentation or Personalization list.

The green button indicates that the campaign has enough data to be fully analyzed

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The yellow button indicates that the campaign does not have enough data to fully analyze the primary goal.

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Reporting layout

A campaign reporting is composed of the following information and components


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The reporting header shows when the campaign was created and for how long it has been Live. It also indicates the total number of unique visitors on the campaign.

You can also trace back any modifications done to the campaign from the Open campaign history button.

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Primary goal

Monitoring graph

The reporting shows by default a monitoring graph of the Primary goal

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You can select from either Unique visitors or Unique sessions for both the Original and variation(s) for the Primary goal of the campaign. Conversion rates are also graphed.

Comparative chart

The comparative graph is based on all goals and show the number of Unique visitors per goal.

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Both graphs can be customized using the following filters:

Monitoring graph:

Select a date range

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Comparative graph:

Select goals to compare

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Table view

The primary goal is also displayed in table view. The table view shows the name of the Primary goal and the type of tracking used. The table view also allows you to sort data and export them. The data can be viewed generally by either Visitor or Session. However, the options available will depend on the type of metric chosen.

The Variation Name column width can also be adjusted to ease reading.
The Variation ID can be copied to the clipboard by clicking on it.

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EmotionsAI filter templates

User who subscribed to the EmotionsAI feature can apply EmotionsAI filter templates on the reporting:
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To learn more about using EmotionsAI filter templates, read EmotionsAI Reporting filter templates.

Metric view

You can choose the type of metric view you want for each goal. The metric available depends on the type of goal tracking used.

Data visualization

The following data can be visualized in the table:

  • Growth: indicated by trending arrows
  • Chance to win
  • Confidence interval
  • Opportunities
  • Revenue uplift (for transaction goals)

Below are a few examples:

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Opportunities aim at identifying losing, neutral and winning status. Horizontal bars in the opportunities column indicate: 

  • How big is the growth: Length of the bar
  • Positive growth of conversion: head right
  • Negative growth of conversion: head left
  • How statistically valuable they are : 
    - Red : sure loser 
    - Grey : neutral
    - Red : sure winner
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Threshold are different when filters are applied

No filters:
Red / sure loser: =<5%
Grey: between 5% and 95% 
Green / sure winner: >= 95%

Red / sure lose: =<10%
Grey: between 10% and 90% 
Green / sure winner: >= 90%

Bounce rate:

The color logic is inversed for bounce rate. The higher the bounce rate, the lower the change to win.

The following screenshot shows a low bounce rate (trend arrow going down) but green.
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Raw data

The default table view displayed when the reporting is open.


The statistics view shows the growth, chance to win and Confidence Interval:

  • Growth: Probability that visitors will perform more tracked actions compared to baseline
  • Chance to win: Probability that visitors will perform more tracked actions compared to baseline
  • Confidence interval: Indicator that assures (with 95% confidence) that the variation growth rate will be between the lower and upper bounds if all traffic is allocated to the variation. The median value indicates the most probable growth rate

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These segments show performance based on growth and chance to win. Segments on the right indicate strong performance, while those on the left indicate weaker performance. The length of a segment correlates with the amount of growth: longer segments on the right signify greater growth, and longer segments on the left signify lesser growth. Green segments denote the highest probability of success, whereas red segments indicate the lowest probability of success.

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To learn more about the analysis process, read more on the Reporting Copilot

Data reliability and campaign readiness

When enough data has been gathered for the campaign, the CAMPAIGN READY status is displayed on the table. Hovering it will give you a quick summary of the campaign and its Readiness.

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Refer to reporting readiness article for more details

Cell Values in Reporting tables

When reviewing a reporting table in AB Tasty, you may encounter three types of cell values:

  1. Figures

    • This represents an aggregated figure related to your metrics or statistics. A value of "0" is a possible figure and should be interpreted accordingly.
  2. N/A (Not Available)

    • This indicates that the figure is intentionally not provided for that cell. This usually occurs because the campaign configuration doesn't allow for analysis.
    • Example: If there is no traffic allocated to the original variant, metrics like "Chances to Win," "Confidence Interval," and "Growth" can still be calculated, but their values are not meaningful. In such cases, comparing the performance of two variants is not possible if one variant has no traffic.
  3. No Data

    • If you encounter this value, try reloading the reporting page. If the issue persists, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Export data

Data can be exported. You can either export the Reporting data or the Raw data. The Reporting data export contains only data displayed in the reporting whereas the Raw data export contains hits for all types of goal. For more information on data export, please refer to Data export from the reporting.

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Secondary goal

The secondary goals are listed just after the primary goal table view and offers the same features as the primary goal table view.

To learn more about campaign goals, read Campaign flow: Goals step

You can now access and view campaign reporting and full analysis of your data.

To learn more about advanced features of the reporting, read Reporting Filters

Choosing the baseline

When having one or multiple variations, you can choose a baseline to which your data will be compared. By default, the baseline is set to the original website. However, you can set it to any variation.

To change the baseline, select any variation from the Baseline drop-down list in the reporting header.

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This will set the baseline indicator to the variation you chose and compare data to it.

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Sharing reporting

The reporting can also be shared to non AB Tasty users and will be available for 30 days.

To share the reporting, click on the Share reporting button in the reporting header.
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Next, click on Create link


Data update

The Reporting data update frequencies are as follows:

Campaign Live Frequency
Up to 12 hours or 1,000 unique visitors (Real-time reporting) Every 5 minutes
Up to 72 hours Every hour
4 to 7 days Every 4 hours
8 to 14 days Every 8 hours
15 to 30 days Every 24 hours
31 days to 60 days Every 48 hours
61 days and more Every 168 hours (1 week)

Any live reporting that would not have been open for 30 days is not updated anymore until it is reloaded.

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