In this guide, you’ll discover what a report is, how to build one and how to read one properly to make better decisions with your campaigns. To accompany this guide, we have created a glossary for our metrics so you can understand how they are calculated.
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Goals list & setup Report Layout Filters list Douple Filter-view Comparative chart
What is a report?
Main definition
A report is a single and unique page that is generated for each campaign you execute with AB Tasty, whether that’s a test or a personalization campaign. These single pages are built using the following rule: Each campaign has a unique identifier composed of six digits, e.g.: 123456
To directly access your campaign report, replace the campaign_id with your six-digit identifier. up⚡
Patches do not have a proper report page as their only objective is to fix something on a website without providing any analysis in the end.
In both dashboards, you can open the report by clicking Reporting open.
To learn more about the different UI statuses you’ll encounter in the dashboards regarding the CTA access to reports, refer to this dashboard article.
The differences between a test report and a personalization report
The objective of a test campaign is to let users choose their preferred version of an element, a page, or of your whole website, to allow you to make informed improvements to the site. Choosing your goals properly and taking enough time to QA your trackers is the right way to ensure you’re working with the best data and the clearest analysis.
On the other hand, personalization campaigns do not set out to test which version of a page or site will deliver the best business KPIs. Instead, when you test a personalization, you’re already pretty sure this modification will drive engagement with your audience. Directing a small portion of your traffic to an uncustomized page or message instead allows you to calculate the incremental effect of your personalization and give you insights about the benefits of certain messages or modifications.
Both reports for tests and personalization are built in more or less the same way, with the same options and features to maximize your quality of analysis.
Goals list & setup
Our complete metrics guide will help you to understand how each event is triggered and how the classic metrics are built (with exact calculations). But here are some important definitions to keep in mind while creating and using goals.
An event is any simple interaction between a visitor and your website, for example:
- A click
- A hover
- A pageview
- A transaction
- A bounce
- A scroll
- A number of seconds on a page
- A form filled out
- A validation
- An upload or download
- An element that arrives on the visible screen area (above the fold), etc.
Tracking events is the basis of every analytics tool and constitutes the primary material used to build metrics.
There are two ways to count events:
- At a unique visitor level – unique count
This means we count each visitor only once, even if they trigger a specific event twice or more. In this case, we just record that this visitor performeda certain action while others did not. This is referred to as the boolean way to count events. - At a session-level – multiple count
This means we count the number of times a visitor triggers a specific event. This allows us to track the frequency of a certain event.
These concepts are useful when deciding whether you need to check metrics at a unique visitor level (to track the percentage of visitors who performed a certain action versus others who did not) or at a session level (to track the frequency of a specific event).
All metrics are based on an event and allow us to analyze the number of times a specific event took place (or its median or average) and compare it to a baseline – generally the total number of unique visitors or the total number of sessions.
So, a metric is just a calculation. Specifically, a metric = number or average of events that occurred / number of visitors or sessions.
Metrics can help us predict how many visitors or sessions will be needed to achieve a certain number of desired events, for example, the number of visitors we will need on our website to sell a certain amount of products.
Common metrics include:
- Click rates, AKA action tracking
- Pageviews
- Scroll rate
- Average time spent on a page
- Transaction rate
- Bounce rate
- Average number of pages viewed, etc.
Setting goals for your test or campaign help you make decisions based on whether or not your goals were achieved. For more about how to set and meet your primary and secondary goals, refer to the Goals section in the campaign set-up workflow guide.
Retroactive vs non-retroactive goals
When you set up a campaign, it’s important to do each of the following:
- Properly set up your goals, for example, use the editor to set up Action Trackings – click rates on certain elements
- Choose the right goalsto follow in the Goals section to generate a report immediately
- QA your trackersto ensure you will gather the correct data throughout your campaign
In case you forget to set-up or choose goals, some goals can be generated after a campaign has started, and will automatically populate with relevant data from the start of the campaign. In this case, the goals are said to be retroactive.
However, some goals do need to be set up before the launch of a campaign. In this case, the goals are said to be non-retroactive. Below you’ll find a list of all retroactive and non-retroactive goals.
Retroactive goals
A transaction goal is retroactive because the transaction tag sends every single purchase to our database each time a client buys on the website. If this client has seen one or several campaigns during their navigation, the purchase information will be attached to the correct variation(s) they have seen and will be properly displayed in the report, even if the transaction goal is added after the beginning of the campaign.
The number of viewed pages, of sessions and the detailed list of all the URLs visited are collected by our generic tag throughout a user’s session, for each visitor who has triggered at least one campaign. Even if you forget to set up a pageview goal, these metrics can be collected retroactively as this data is always automatically captured.
If you use the global code in your settings to track each click on the Buy now CTA of your website, the AB Tasty tag will collect these clicks for each unique visitor to your website who is exposed to a campaign. You can find these trackers in the Custom trackers category in the Goals step in your campaign set-up workflow.
Non-retroactive goals
If you forget to create trackers in the editor before launching your campaign (with the WYSIWYG option or using code at a campaign level), AB Tasty won’t collect data during this period of time. Creating the trackers afterward and refreshing the tag will republish a new version of the campaign with the trackers, but data will not be available for the period before this.
If you forget to add tracker widgets in the editor before launching your campaign, AB Tasty won’t collect data during this period of time. Adding them afterward and refreshing the tag will republish a new version of the campaign with the tracking widgets, but data will not be available for the period before this.
The objective of this step is to choose what KPIs or goals you want to display in your report for the campaign you’re setting up.
The primary goal is the most important one:
When you create a campaign, it will be based on a hypothesis, such as: “Changing this element will positively impact a visitor’s behavior by helping them to perform more of this specific action.” For example: “Changing the color of this CTA from red to blue will encourage visitors to click on it more.”
The primary goal should be the metric based on the event that will be the most impacted by your change. For example, any change to a specific block can have a direct effect on the click event on this element, or on the time spent on the page, depending on the nature of the change, adding some diggest content, for example, or highlighting an action.
⭐Tip: choose the metric with the most apparent relationship between cause and effect, for example changing the color of a button would be measured by the number of clicks it receives – its click rate.
Please refer to this article to learn how each goal is calculated.
Secondary goals are optional:
Campaign metrics shouldn’t be based on a secondary goal because the link between the change you’re testing on the website and its effect on an indirect event is difficult to correlate directly. For example, it’s difficult to ascertain with certainty that modifying a CTA on your product page has had a direct impact on the transaction rate as the event is too far away from the modification (the point of the transaction might be three or four pages after the modified CTA).
However, you may want to track some secondary goals to monitor the most important metrics for your business, such as the transaction rate if your business is an e-commerce website, or to help decide between two variations in a test campaign. If the two variations are equally successful in terms of primary goal results, the secondary ones can help to find the best option.
Good to know 💡
You can add up to 49 goals as secondary objectives. The maximum number of KPIs displayed in the report is 50.
Follow these steps to add goals to your report:
- Click on the + icon at the right of each indicator to add that indicator to your goals selection
- The first indicator chosen is automatically the primary goal
- Any other indicators you add will be secondary goals
- The report will present the indicators in the order in which they were chosen
- To change the position of each goal in the report, or replace the current primary goal with a secondary one, use the drag-and-drop functionality
- To remove a goal from your selection, click on the X icon to the right of each selected indicator
- You cannot save this step if your primary goal is empty
- The maximum number of accepted goals per campaign is 50 (one primary, 49 secondary)
❗Caution: We advise you not to change your primary goal after the beginning of your campaign because your campaign’s readiness – whether it has gathered enough data to deliver useful insights – is calculated based on this goal.
If you need to follow the access rate to a specific page or a group of pages to analyze the performance of your campaign, you can use page tracking, also known as pageviews. To set up page tracking, follow these steps:
- Click Manage Page trackings at the bottom of the page tracking list:
A popin appears:
Here you’re able to:
- Create a new page tracking
- Edit an existing page tracking
- Delete existing page trackings
- Click Manage Page trackings at the bottom of the page tracking list:
Click Create page trackings
- Name your page tracking (e.g.: “Luxury product pages”)
Choose your operator and fill in your URL or URL string – you can choose between four operators:
- Contains
- Ignoring parameters
- Regular expression
Exact match
This is the matrix about the way the operators work:
Functional: accepts...
Ignoring parameters (“is”)
Includes all URLs matching the string, even if they include parameters.
⚠️ With this operator, the page is targeted no matter which parameters are included in the URL. Therefore, you cannot write any particular parameter in this field.
Exact match (“is exactly”)
Includes the URL matching the exact string. Parameters that are not mentioned in the string are not taken into account.
💡 This field accepts parameters as an option.
Includes all URLs containing the string. Parameters following the string will also be taken into account.
Example: /product/
is regular expression
(“Regular expression”)
Includes all URLs matching the regex. You don’t need to escape special characters of your regular expression.
Then you can choose between these 2 options:
- Display metric for this campaign only: useful for specific URLs you need to follow exclusively in the current campaign
- Display metric for this campaign and future campaigns: the pageview will be recorded on your account, and you’ll be able to add it as a goal in your other campaigns in a click
Click save and find your new page view in your list to select it as a primary or secondary goal.
Click Create page trackings
The page view will disappear from the list and the Delete button at the bottom right will register a new deletion. Click Delete to definitively remove these pageviews.
Clicking on the pencil-shaped edit icon next to a pageview reopens the pageview creation window:
Here you can make any changes you need to the pageview. When you’re done, click Save.
❗Caution: If you make changes to a goal that is already in use by a campaign as a report goal, this will impact your report. For example, if you make a change to the URL pattern and the new URL is not found on your website, it won’t be recognized in the AB Tasty database and your goal won’t be recorded in the report.
However, as pageviews are retroactive, if you correct the URL to one that is found on your site, the data will reappear in your report.
- You can set up click-tracking at the account level, in the global code of your account. This is a simple method for tracking frequent click actions such as visitors clicking the Add to basket CTA or the Pay now CTA, for example.
You can also set up click tracking directly in the editor. To learn how to do it, check out this guide.
Tracking clicks is important to understand how your visitors reacted to the variation you’re testing. To set up click-tracking goals, use one of the following methods:
You can follow your transactional activity throughout every campaign (except Multivariate tests).
To set this up, first, you need to implement the transaction tag. Once that’s done, select the Transaction category. This should retrieve one single metric called Transaction. If you see older transaction indicators from past campaigns in this list (such as in the screenshot below), click Hide transaction indicators to clean up your interface. This action does not delete any indicators, it just hides them so it’s easier for you to find the right one.Good to know 💡
You can choose to implement several transaction indicators if you need to split several transactional actions across your website. For example, you can create a transaction indicator triggered when someone fills out a contact form or requests a quotation for a future contract subscription, and another one linked to the finalization and signature of a contract. This depends on your activity and needs, but most eCommerce websites have only one transaction indicator.
If you want to add goals after the launch of your campaign, you can do it by going back into the goal step of your campaign set-up workflow and clicking Add goals directly in the report.
If you forget to set up goals during the campaign set-up workflow, KPIs will not be displayed in your reports, but the AB Tasty tag will still collect data. The only reasons the AB Tasty tag won’t collect data are:
Primary goal specificity:
Once your campaign is launched, it’s impossible to change the primary goal you’ve chosen in the Goal step of your campaign set-up workflow. This is because the primary goal activates the calculation of the readiness indicator, which determines your campaign’s status (whether the test results are ready or need more time to gather enough data for a statistically useful decision).
Report Layout
A campaign report is composed of the following information and components:
The header
The header is composed of the following elements:
- The name of the campaign
- The type of campaign
- The campaign’s ID (or its master ID if there are multiple sub-tests, scenarios, or experiences)
- The campaign’s status – live or paused
- A button to play or pause the campaign
- A three-dot dropdown button containing options to edit the campaign or clear its data
❗Caution: This option is useful after the QA when you launch a campaign to visitors but beware – this action is definitive. - The refresh tag button
- The account you’re currently using
Report sections
On top of your report, you’ll find the following information:
Reporting tab
This tab displays all the goals you’ve defined in the goal configuration step in the report creation workflow. If you have no other integration items, such as Heatmap clarity or Session recording clarity, you will only see the Reporting tag here.
Session recording clarity and Heatmap clarity tags
These tabs will appear if you have an active integration with Microsoft Clarity.
Live hits
Live hits definition
The live hits screen enables you to instantly display a campaign’s hits. This provides a global view of the actions carried out by users who visit your website. This service is only available on demand for a specific campaign and helps you perform the QA of your campaign.
We recommend you enable QA mode on your campaign before clicking See live hits in your campaign report. This ensures information is forwarded correctly before launching your campaign and starting data collection.
Live hits functioning
When you click See live hits, the request can take up to 30 seconds to be approved. The button then changes to See current activity. Click it to bring up a window displaying current hits.
The live hits feature is only effective for 60 minutes. After this time, if your QA is not yet completed, you need to relaunch this service. Hits are displayed in the window for 10 minutes, after which they disappear.
Types of hits
The following types of hits can be displayed in the live hits window:
Type of hit |
Explanation |
Event |
Hits related to actions set up during the goal configuration step (such as Action tracking) |
Pageview |
Hits related to all pages viewed by users |
Transaction |
Hits related to transaction actions carried out by users |
Item |
Hits related to each product purchase (one hit per product in a transaction) |
Hits related to actions carried out on the NPS widget |
Segment |
Hits related to segments previously configured in your source code |
Each type of hit is easily identified thanks to a visual label. When it is detected, the primary goal is highlighted on the page. Tracking your primary goal should be your main point of interest when analyzing a campaign.
Good to know 💡
The live hits screen only displays up to 500 simultaneous hits on the campaign.
Displayed information
The live hits screen features a summary of the following campaign information:
- The campaign ID
- The campaign’s status – live or paused
- The number of hits since the first displayed hit
- A data refresh button
Good to know 💡
The newest data is automatically collected. When new hits are received, the refresh button is available in the interface.
The following information is displayed in the live hits window:
Information |
Explanation |
Hit |
The type of hit received. You can see additional information about the value of the hit by hovering over its label (transaction revenue, event label, segment key, etc.) |
Date and time |
The date (dd/mm/yyyy format) and time the hit was received |
Variation ID |
The ID of the variation on which the action was taken |
The URL of the page on which the action was taken |
Device |
The type of device used (PC, mobile, or tablet) |
Visitor ID |
The ID of the visitor who carried out the action |
Hits are displayed in chronological order. The most recent hit is displayed at the top of the screen.
Once the variation has recorded 500 hits, the oldest hits are deleted for more to be displayed. The system automatically deletes the oldest hits (particularly those carried out by visitors more than 10 minutes ago). This means that when the number of hits received within 10 minutes exceeds 500, this screen only displays a sample of the actual activity.
Reporting cards
The Unique visitor's card
This card displays the number of visitors tested by a campaign, whether they’ve seen your site’s original version or a variation. Click the clock icon on the top right of the card to display the next scheduled update.
The Activity card
This card displays the number of days activity was recorded during the campaign.
❗Caution: The Activity card also counts the days the campaign was live in QA.
Real-time reporting card
This card will have a different UI depending on when you’re reading your report. Please read the next section about real-time reporting to learn more about the significance of each status.
Click View more for access to the campaign history.
Campaign history & Realtime Reporting
Campaign history
This page is opened by clicking View more. You can use it to check the play and pause actions on a campaign and who performed them.
Real-time reporting
Real-time reporting is displayed as soon as you make a campaign live. It enables you to monitor your campaigns in almost real-time as the refresh rate on the performance statistics is very fast. This is particularly helpful when checking that data appears correctly in your reporting.
This functionality is displayed in the Activity card.
Real-time reporting automatically activates when you make a campaign live. It stops either when a campaign reaches 1,000 unique visitors or when it has been live for more than 12 hours (unless you’ve already paused the campaign).
When real-time reporting is on, the data for each goal and each variation is updated every 5 minutes.
The card at the top left of the screen displays the following information:
- The number of unique visitors who have seen the campaign
- The date and time at which the results were last updated
- The next time the results will be updated (hover over the icon)
The following rules are used to refresh your reporting data:
The campaign has been live for... |
Reporting data is updated... |
Up to 72 hours |
Every hour |
4 to 7 days |
Every 4 hours |
8 to 14 days |
Every 8 hours |
15 to 30 days |
Every 24 hours |
31 days to 60 days |
Every 48 hours |
61 days and more |
Every 168 hours (1 week) |
Baseline drop-down & Add Goal
This dropdown enables you to change the reference in each goal of your reporting. It’s useful if your AB test didn’t include an original version.
For example, if you’ve tested two fresh new variations to learn which was the best, with 0% traffic on your original version, to be able to read results, you’ll need to choose one of both variations as a reference to see growth calculations between both variations.
Add goal CTA
This CTA will bring you back to the Goal step of the campaign creation workflow, allowing you to add or remove goals from your report.
The reporting displays the results of goals chosen during the Goal step of the campaign configuration process.
By default, no filters are applied, but you can filter the results to obtain more specific data based on various criteria.
To access the report filters, follow the steps below:
Access the dashboard and click :
The new reporting opens. -
Click Filters in the top right-hand section of the screen to open the Filters panel.
The Filters panel is displayed.
Click Filters.
You access the list of filters.
Access the dashboard and click :
You can select one or more filters among the following:
Filter results based on the user device (desktop, mobile, tablet).
You may notice some discrepancies between the filtered and non-filtered data on your reporting. This is because filtered data is updated instantly whereas non-filtered data is updated every 48 hours.
For example, let’s say your campaign targets, mobile visitors, only. If you filter your report data to see mobile visitors, you may observe more unique visitors in the filtered view than in the non-filtered view.
Good to know 💡
The sum of visitors on mobile + tablet + desktop may not be equal to 100% of the traffic because some visitors use other devices such as smart TVs, game consoles, car GPS, and so on (not accounted out here).
Filter based on the user’s browser (Chrome, Chrome mobile, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari).
Filter results based on:
New visitors: visitors who are visiting the website for the first time.
New visitors = number of new visitors/total of unique visitors -
The Returning visitors: visitors who have already visited the website before.
Returning visitors = number of returning visitors/total of unique visitors
You may notice that the total of new and returning visitors is not equal to 100%. It may be due to the fact that's because some visitors see a campaign both as new and returning visitors.
For example, let’s say you launched an A/B test on your homepage. If a visitor visits your website for the first time and sees the campaign, he will be counted as a new visitor. If the same visitor goes back to your homepage the next day (new session), he will be considered a returning visitor because he will already have a cookie. In this case, the visitor will be counted as a unique visitor but will be counted as a new visitor as well as a returning visitor.
New visitors: visitors who are visiting the website for the first time.
Filter results based on a date or specific period.
Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list (inclusion is selected by default) and select the days or periods (start date and end date) in the date picker.
The selected days or periods automatically apply to the reporting filter area at the top of the filter panel.
You can also select a period and exclude one or several days from it. Note that you can’t exclude days that are outside the selected period (green area).
The green dot is showing the current day. It can’t be selected as the reporting data won’t be available for the whole day.
Click Clear selection to delete all the filters selected.
👉 Update rules
There are rules regarding data updates: the older the campaign is, the lower the refresh frequency is.
Also, you might face a report whose results have not been updated for a few days. This explains why, if you open a report on a given day (represented by a green dot in the date picker), the days before might be unavailable in the date picker of the date filter.
In the top left card of the reporting, you can see when the results have been updated for the last time and when the next update will occur.
For old campaigns, the results of the current day will never be available in the date picker, even if data has just been refreshed.
Only display the results of users who carried out the selected action tracking(s).
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- Select an Action tracking from the second drop-down list.
Beware: The action trackings displayed in the list are those previously defined in the editor. If no action trackings were configured, the filter isn’t displayed.
Only display the results of users who carried out the selected custom tracking(s).
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- Enter the name of your custom tracking.
- [Optional] Enter text for your custom tracking.
- [Optional] Enter a value for your custom tracking.
- [Optional] Add a value.
Beware: You can select custom trackings configured previously in the campaign code or the AB Tasty Global Code.
Only display the results of users who browsed through the selected page.
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- Select an option that enables you to specify the page URL.
- Enter the page URL.
- [Optional] Add a value.
Filter the results based on the page the user entered the website on.
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- Select an option that enables you to specify the page URL.
- Enter the page URL.
Filter the results according to a specific geographical area.
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- Select a Country.
- [Optional]Select a Region.
- [Optional]Select a City.
Filter the results based on transaction variables.
- Select a category.
- For the Transaction amount category, select an option from the first drop-down list, then enter a value in the Value field.
- For the Coupon category, select Applied to display the results of users who used a coupon or Not applied to display the results of users who did not use a coupon.
For the Buyer category, select Buyers to display only the data of users who made a transaction during their session and Non-buyers to display the data of users who did not make a transaction during their session.
If you have implemented several transaction tags, select the name of the desired transaction from the drop-down list. - For the Currency, Delivery method, and Payment method categories, select the desired option from the drop-down list.
- [Optional] Add a value.
Filter the results based on variables related to the transaction items.
- Select a category.
- Select an option from the first drop-down list, then enter a value in the Value field.
- [Optional] Add a value.
Transaction item quantity and Transaction total item quantity are two different options.
"Transaction item quantity" is a filter that is found directly on the filter list. The value you enter corresponds to the quantity of at least one of the items in the transaction.
"Total item quantity" is an option that can be selected from the transaction filter drop-down list. The value you enter corresponds to the total quantity of all the items in the transaction.
E.g.: A transaction related to 1 Jean and 2 same T-shirts will be taken into account in the "transaction item quantity" filtering on "is equal to" with "1" or "2" as a value and in the "total item quantity" filtering with "3" as a value. -
Filter the results based on the eCommerce variables configured previously in your source code.
- Select include or exclude from the first drop-down list.
- In the Key field, enter the name you have given your eCommerce variable.
The e-commerce variable filter enables temporary backward compatibility with older eCommerce variables.
Filter the results based on the Visitor attributes.
- In the Key field, select a key. The keys appearing in the drop-down list are those you configured in your source code or the Visitor attribute section (Settings).
- In the Value field, select the value you want to match with the key you selected above.
Beware: This filter works if you have implemented the Segment hit on your website or if you have defined one or several Visitor attributes from the Visitor attributes section in Settings. This filter is only available for Tag v3
Filter Groups & Filter Presets
A filter group is a set of filters and filter presets applied to one variation of the campaign.
Filtering data in a campaign report consists of applying filters to one or two filter group(s), regarding whether you want to compare campaign variations or not. By default, only one filter group is created in the Filters panel. This enables you to configure a single filtered view - i.e. a filtered view on one variation - of the campaign report.
If you want to configure a double-filtered view of the campaign report, please refer to this section of the document.
To apply one or more filters in a campaign report, follow the steps below:
Open the Filters panel and, on the filters view, click the filter you want to add to the filter group.
The filter is displayed in the selected filters area, at the top of the Filters panel. -
Select one or more other filters as needed.
The number of selected filters appears in blue to the right of each category and at the top of the selected filter area. - Click Apply filters at the bottom of the Filters panel.
The Filters panel closes and the campaign report loads with the applied filter(s) for the configured filter group(s).
Good to Know 💡
Clicking the Apply filters button in the Filters panel will apply filters defined for both filter groups if the second filter group has been configured.
For further information on utilizing two filter groups on a campaign report, please refer to section Comparing Filtered Report Data Using the Double-Filtered view of this guide. - The number of filters that can be applied at once on a campaign report is unlimited.
Clicking the Apply filters button in the Filters panel will apply filters defined for both filter groups if the second filter group has been configured.
Heads up ⚡️
If you choose to apply filters to a campaign report and then close the report, these filters will not apply automatically when re-opening the campaign report.
Open the Filters panel and, on the filters view, click the filter you want to add to the filter group.
To remove a filter from a filter group, in the selected filter area of the filter group, click the cross to the right of the filter you want to remove. Then, click Apply filters.
To remove all the applied filters from the filter group, click the Clear selection icon in the selected filter area of the Filters panel.
When you apply one or more filters to the reporting results, these may take several seconds to load.
The conversion rate, improvement rate, gain probability (Gain probability tab), confidence interval, and median value (Confidence interval tab) are updated, taking the applied filters into account
The number of unique visitors is also updated. It displays the number of unique visitors who match the applied filters, as well as the percentage these visitors represent, compared to the total number of visitors.
When you apply one or more filters to the reporting results, the filtered view note appears in the top right-hand section of the unique visitor card.
A filter preset is a filter whose configuration has been set and saved, to be applied easily from any campaign report created from the user account.
Creating a Filter Preset
A filter preset that has been created by a user will be available on the user’s account for all the campaign reports associated with the account.
To create a filter preset, follow the steps of one of the procedures below:
- Open the Filters panel and click Filters.
In the list of filters, click the filter you want to add to the filter preset.
The selected filter is displayed in the selected filter area of the Filters panel. - Select one or more other filters, as needed.
Click Save as filter preset in the selected filters area.
- In the Filter preset name field, enter the filter preset label.
Click Create filter preset.
The newly created filter preset is added to the list of filter presets and is displayed at the top of the list of filter presets.
Or- Open the Filters panel and click Filter presets.
Click the New preset filter.
In the list of filters, click the filter you want to add to the filter preset.
The selected filter is displayed in the selected filters area of the Filters panel. - Select one or more other filters, as needed.
- In the Filter preset name field, enter the filter preset label.
Click Create filter preset.
The newly created filter preset is added to the list of filter presets and is displayed at the top of the list.
Filters Presets Display
Filter presets created by the connected user on his account are displayed in a list that is available by clicking Filter presets in the Filters panel.
In the list of filter presets, filter labels are ordered according to the following criteria:
- If a filter preset has been set as the default filter preset of the filter group, it will be displayed in the first position in the list;
- Filter presets are displayed from the latest created filter to the oldest one. The latest created filter preset is displayed at the top of the list.
Applying a Filter Preset
To apply a filter preset, follow the steps below:
- Open the Filters panel, and click Filter presets.
Select the filter preset you want to apply to the report and click the Apply filter to group icon.
The number of selected filters appears in blue to the right of each category as well as in the selected filters area. -
Click Apply filters at the bottom of the Filters panel.
The Filters panel closes and the campaign report loads with the applied filter(s).
Good to Know 💡
- If you select several filter presets to be applied to the filter group, filter criteria will be aggregated to filter the campaign report data.
- If you choose to apply filters to a campaign report and then close the report, these filters will not apply automatically when re-opening the campaign report.
Removing a Filter Preset
To remove a filter preset from a filter group, in the Filters panel, open the filter group of your choice. Click the cross to the right of each filter label related to the filter preset in the selected filters area.
To clear a filter group, in the Filters panel, open the filter group you want to clear and click the Clear selection icon in the selected filters area.
Editing a Filter Preset
To edit a filter preset, follow the steps below:
- In the Filters panel, click Filter presets.
Click the Edit icon to the right of the filter preset label you want to edit.
Filter preset configuration is displayed in the selected filters area. - Make the changes of your choice to the filter preset configuration.
Click Save filter preset.
Modifications are applied to the edited filter preset.
Deleting a Filter Preset
Once a filter preset has been deleted, it will no longer be available for the campaign report it has been created on. It will also not be available for any other campaign report which is associated with the user account.
To delete a filter preset, follow the steps below:
- In the Filters panel, click Filters presets.
Click the Edit icon to the right of the filter preset label you want to edit.
Filter preset configuration is displayed in the selected filters area. - Click the Delete icon to the right of the Filter preset name field and confirm filter preset deletion.
Filter preset will be deleted for all campaign reports attached to the user account.
Setting a Filter Preset as the Default Filter Preset
Setting a filter preset as the default filter preset enables the filter preset to be applied automatically to the appropriate filter group when opening the campaign report.
Good to Know 💡
Only one filter preset can be set as the default filter preset for a filter group. Setting a new filter preset as the default filter preset for a filter group will unset the preceding default filter preset.
To set a filter preset as the default filter preset, follow the steps below:
- In the Filters panel, open the filter group for which you want to set a default filter preset.
In the list of filter presets, click the Set as default filter preset icon to the right of the filter preset label.
As a result, filter preset criteria are displayed in the selected filter area and:-
- The Set as default filter preset icon changes to orange
- Filters labels are bordered in orange
- A notification is pinned to the top of the selected filters area to emphasize that the filter preset has been set as the default filter preset.
The filter group x label is preceded by a star to remind the user that a filter preset has been set as the default filter preset for this filter group.
On the report screen, the Filters button displays the number of applied filters for each group with an orange background.
Heads up ⚡
When selecting several filter presets with no default filter preset set for the filter group, filter criteria are aggregated.
In the case when a default filter preset has been set for the filter group, when adding another filter preset to the filter group, the filter criteria of the added filter preset do replace the filter criteria of the default filter preset. However, the default filter preset does keep its status after when the campaign report Filters panel is re-opened.Unsetting a Filter Preset as the Default Filter Preset
To unset a filter preset as the default filter preset, follow the steps below:
- In the Filters panel, open the filter group for which you want to unset the default filter preset.
In the list of filter presets, click the Remove default filter preset icon to the right of the filter preset label.
As a result:
- the Remove default filter preset icon changes to grey
- orange borders are deleted from the filters labels in the selected filters area
- the default filter preset notification is deleted from the selected filters area
- the star icon is removed from the filter group x label.
Comparison with Double-Filtered View
Comparing Filtered Data
AB Tasty enables comparing two filtered views of a report’s data on a campaign report.
This feature will enable you to compare two scenarios of filtered data applied to each variation of a campaign goal in a data report.
To generate a double-filtered view on a campaign report, you have to:
- configure the first filter group,
- create and configure the second filter group,
- apply the filters to load the campaign report with the double-filtered view
Configuring First Filter Group
Using the Filters panel, add the filter presets to apply to filter group one which refers to the first scenario of filtered data in the campaign report.
Do not apply filters yet.
Creating and Configuring the Second Filter Group
The double-filtered view is only possible if two filter groups have been created on the report. The second filter group can be added to a report only if the first filter group has already been created.
To create and configure the second filter group on the report, follow the steps below:
In the Filters panel, click Add filter group to the right of the Filter group 1 label.
The newly created filter group has no filter applied.
- Click Filter preset and select the filter presets to be applied to filter group two which refers to the second scenario of filtered data in the campaign report.
Remove second filter group
To delete the second filter group, click the cross to the right of the filter group 2 label at the top of the Filters panel and confirm deletion.
Heads up ⚡
Filter group 1 cannot be deleted from the Filters panel
Applying Filters
Once filter presets have been added to filter groups, click Apply filters at the bottom of the Filters panel.
Campaign reports loads. As a result, for each variation of a campaign goal, the filtered data of each filtered group is displayed on a distinctive line.
Good to Know 💡
If both filter group one and filter group two have been created but only filter group two has been configured, the generated report will display a single filtered view based on filter group two filtering criteria.
Comparative Chart
The Comparative Chart is a radar chart available in the reporting of your A/B tests and Multipage tests. It lets you compare the performances of each of your variations (goals) against your original website. You can also compare variations with each other.
Accessing the Comparative Chart
To access the comparative chart:
- From the test list (Web Experimentation), click Open in the Reporting column of any A/B or Multipage test. This will open the reporting in a new page
- Click Comparative chart on top of the default Monitoring Graph.
💡Good to know
To display the Comparative Chart, your campaign must have at least 3 goals as 3 is the minimum for a radar chart to properly show comparisons. The maximum number of goals that will be shown on the Comparative chart is 8.
Comparative Chart vs Monitoring graph
By default, the reporting of a campaign displays the Monitoring graph. It shows you the performance of your campaign’s primary goal over time in a bar chart for daily unique visitors per variation and on classical curves for conversions stats.
The Comparative graph shows the performance of all your variations, compared to each other, for multiple goals. The metric used for this comparison is growth (in percentage).
Reading the Comparative Chart
Color code
In the image above, each colored line represents a different variation that you have set up for the test. In this case there are 4 colors:
- Pink (Variation 1)
- Yellow (Variation 2)
- Blue (Variation 3)
- Grey (Original version)
See captions inside the graph area to know what is the the color matching each goal.
The original version is always represented and is always grey.
Axes and their meaning
Each axis represents a different goal that you have set up for your test. Goals are displayed in the chart in the same order as in the reporting. In this case there are 5 goals:
- “Click pour entrer son adresse” (Primary goal)
- “Purchase” (Secondary goal)
- “Acces livraison” (Secondary goal)
- “Acces paiement” (Secondary goal)
- “Bounce rate” (Secondary goal)
The primary goal is always the topmost vertical axis.
Every comparison is done compared to the Original (grey) line. At first glance, this is what can be inferred from the chart (screenshot above):
- The pink variation performed better than the original version (grey) for the “Bounce Rate” goal and on primary goal and was one of the best on purchase goal. Still, it underperforms on the “acces paiement” and “accès livraison” goals.
- The yellow variation performed worse than the original (grey) and other variations on most goals but is the second best performer on the primary goal.
- The original version (grey) performed better than all other variations for the “Acces Paiement” goal, except for the blue variation, which had a similar performance, because they coincide.
- The blue variation is globally underperforming on most goals despite the primary goal.
As a conclusion, the Pink variation seems to be the best but don't forget to check its readiness, chance to win and confidence interval before making your decision.
To get precise numbers on the comparisons, you can hover over each goal. A tooltip displays the performance of the selected variation for a specific goal.
In the image above, we can see how Variation 1 and Variation 2 performed compared to the original version of the website. In this case, Variation 2 showed 20% better results for the primary goal (“Submitted message”) compared to the Original version and Variation 1.
Another observation that can be made from the image above, is that there is no grey line. This simply means that Variation 1 (pink) sits right on top of it, meaning that it neither performed better nor worse than the original across all goals, hence a percentage growth of 0.0%.
Troubleshooting area
In case you need support, follow the instructions given in the articles below: