🛠️ [Troubleshooting] Scroll tracking data in report

Issue: Inconsistent scroll tracking data


Once your scroll goals have been defined in the Engagement-goal-on-scroll widget, the matching indicators are created automatically and are available in the Goal configuration section. You may now select the ones you want to use as primary and secondary goals.

The secondary goal will then be visible in the reports section of the campaign, where the Engagement-goal-on-scroll widget was implemented. For more information, refer to the Engagement goal on scroll widget in the metrics guide.

When you view your campaign report, you may find that the data is inconsistent if you have implemented several Engagement-goal-on-scroll widgets within the same campaign. To define several scroll levels, you need to set them up within the same widget by clicking image3.png .


To solve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the number of widgets implemented within the campaign
  2. Delete the extra widgets until only one remain

Solution-Step 1: Identifying the number of widgets implemented in a campaign


The Tracking panel, available in the toolbar, displays one line per scroll level. However, it doesn’t enable you to determine whether the displayed goals are configured within a single or multiple widgets.


To identify the number of widgets currently implemented, click a scroll level in the Tracking panel: the widget in which the scroll level was configured will open. This enables you to see if all implemented scroll levels are on the same widget.


For example, if you’ve set five scroll levels (25%, 50%, 90%, and 100%), they all appear in the tracking panel. If you click 25%, the related widget opens. Check to see if the other scroll levels are displayed in the same widget. If not, this means that the other scroll levels were configured in one or more other widgets. Click the second scroll level in the Tracking panel and repeat the process.

Solution-Step 2: Deleting the extra widgets


Once you have identified the number of widgets in your campaign, you should delete the extra ones.

To delete an Engagement-goal-on-scroll widget in the editor, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Tracking panel in the toolbar


  2. Roll the mouse over the scroll level you want to delete
  3. Click image1.png


Heads up ⚡

It may take from a few minutes up to several hours before the results are restored. If the issue persists, contact your dedicated CSM.

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