General use
What type of campaign can I prioritize?
You can prioritize any kind of personalization campaign: Simple Personalizations (SP), Multi-Page Personalizations (MPP), Multi-experience Personalizations (MEP) – whatever set-up you’ve chosen (with a redirection option, with regular intervals targeting verification, and so on).
Note that it is not recommended to prioritize the latter as it already includes a subtests prioritization in itself.
How are cookies affected?
When a visitor already has a personalization cookie in their browser, they will continue to see the same campaign (if they still meet the campaign targeting: segment and trigger). If the campaign is not the highest in the prioritization rule, the visitor will see the highest one instead. In this case, and for consistency purposes, the prioritization rule won’t apply, and the visitor will continue to see the previous campaign.
What about campaigns using regular intervals targeting verification?
Campaigns using regular intervals targeting verification shouldn’t be prioritized. With this option, the tag will check the targeting continuously during the user’s visit to make sure the targeting conditions aren’t met after the page is loaded. Meanwhile, some other campaigns can be triggered before, and thus will be seen before.
What about the redirection option?
Campaigns using the redirection option should be highly prioritized compared to others, to avoid a potential flickering effect. The faster the tag sends the visitor to the redirect page, the better it is for the user’s experience.
How do I pause the prioritization rules completely?
You can either pause all the campaigns that are prioritized (in the right-hand section of the screen) or remove all campaigns from this section. In this case, you will have to save and publish before leaving the page.
How does the tag work with the prioritization rule?
Basic principle
For every page visited by the user, the tag checks the following criteria, in this order:
- The campaigns that target the page.
- Among this shorter list, are the campaigns that are not part of the prioritization rule. It then checks if the visitor meets the segment and the trigger conditions. If this is the case, the tag displays these campaigns. If not, the tag doesn’t display them.
- The campaigns that are part of the prioritization rule, with a priority level 1. If the user meets the targeting conditions (segment and trigger) of one or several campaigns, they will only see these campaigns for this specific page. If the user doesn’t meet the targeting conditions (segment and trigger) of at least one campaign of the priority level 1, they won’t see these campaigns and will be tested on the priority level 2 campaigns.
- The campaigns that are part of the prioritization rule, with a priority level 2,
So, prioritized personalization campaigns (SP, MPP and MEP) will fall under the priority ranks you give them. These priority ranks, called p-values, will determine if a visitor will see one campaign or another on the same targeting.
What about Multi-page Personalization (MPP) and user continuity?
The objective of a Multi-Page Personalization is to offer a customized user journey. If a visitor meets the targeting conditions of the first page of the experience, they should be able to see the other pages’ messages. In this case, triggering one page of a MPP means that this campaign will be prioritized and triggered automatically to the visitor on all pages, even if this campaign doesn’t have the highest priority on another page.
When a prioritized MPP campaign has been seen by the visitor, thus historicized, the tag will check this campaign but will not check the lesser priority (aka higher p-value) of other MPPs. The prioritized SP will still be checked by the tag according to their priority.
This ensures that the visitor sees the whole journey of the historicized MPP and does not prevent other prioritized campaigns to be applied except lesser priority MPPs.
Between two historized MPPs we check the priority between them. So if an MPP p-value 1 and a MPP p-value 2 are historized, only the first will be displayed in case of targeting overlap.
What about Multi-Experience Personalizations (MEP)?
This type of campaign directly embeds a prioritization rule but can also be prioritized. Instead of checking the targeting conditions once, the tag checks the targeting conditions for all experiences, using the same rules as a standard campaign.
Note that it is not recommended to prioritize an MEP unless extra caution.
What about the non-prioritized campaigns?
Campaigns that are not prioritized will not be altered by the prioritized campaigns. The tag will check them only according to their basic targeting setup (segment, URLs, trigger, frequency…) alongside the prioritized personalizations.
What about paused campaigns?
Paused campaigns are not considered by the prioritization rule and tag.
Identifying conflicts
When is there a risk of conflict between one or more campaigns?
Several personalizations can be running at the same time on your website and, sometimes, they display content or messages to the same visitors on the same pages. In this case, the situation may be disturbing because it affects the user’s browsing experience.
Therefore, you can orchestrate the display of your campaigns according to your needs. Ask yourself, “Which campaign is the most important for my users?”
Keep in mind this is not mandatory – you can display two messages at the same time if you want to.
How do I identify conflicts in my campaigns?
You can use the By campaigns (1) or By segment & page (2) filters to display all the campaigns targeting the same segment and pages as the selected campaign (1), or all the campaigns targeting the same segment or pages (2). Select this on the left of the screen.
How does the by-campaign filter work?
When you use the campaign filter, AB Tasty checks the segment and the saved pages of the reference campaign. AB Tasty will then display all other campaigns that share the same targeting configuration:
- The same segment or all visitors (because this segment contains all other segments), and…
- The same saved pages or the all pages option (because this option contains all the saved pages)
Can AB Tasty always identify campaign conflicts?
When you use the campaign filter, AB Tasty checks the segment and saved pages of the reference campaign. In this case, AB Tasty won’t be able to match campaigns:
- If the page targeting is built on something other than a saved page – for example on a custom URL, code, ID, class, or element
To be checked correctly, a campaign must have at least one saved page included in the Where section of the targeting. Otherwise, campaigns won’t appear in the results list.
Configuring a prioritization rule
How many priority levels can I create?
You can create a maximum of 10 priority levels. The first two priority levels must include at least one campaign each, otherwise, you won’t be able to save and publish the prioritization rule. Other priority levels can remain empty.
How many campaigns can I prioritize?
The maximum number of campaigns per priority level is 12. As you can create a maximum of 10 priority levels, you can prioritize up to 120 campaigns per account.
How many campaigns can I include in each priority level?
The maximum number of campaigns per priority level is 12.
If a visitor sees a campaign from priority 1, will they see the other priority 1 campaigns?
Potentially yes, if they meet the targeting conditions of the second campaign, too.
When you prioritize two campaigns within the same priority level, it means that:
- These two campaigns do not target the same page, so a conflict is impossible, and/or…
- These two campaigns target different segments, so there is no risk of a visitor matching both segments (e.g.,: mobile and tablet), and/or…
- You have estimated that if these two campaigns are displayed at the same time (on the page, on the same session), it’s not a problem for your users’ experience
What happens when I click the “Save and publish” CTA?
By clicking Save and publish CTA, you will:
- Visually freeze your configuration
- And publish the prioritization rule on production. Only active campaigns (live and live in QA) will be considered in the prioritization rule and the tag. This means that your prioritization rule is now live.
Can I save the prioritization rule without publishing it?
No, you cannot save a new configuration of your prioritization rule without publishing it. The reason for this is that you need to see, anytime, the current and released configuration. Saving something that is not in production would remove the possibility of knowing exactly what is running.
Good to know 💡
To find out when your prioritization rule was last updated, hover over the Save and publish CTA.