How to navigate in the AB Tasty platform

How to access the AB Tasty platform

AB Tasty doesn’t provide free and direct access to the platform. To log in to the platform, you need to get in touch with our commercial team. Please refer to this page to contact us.

Once your account has been created by our team, you’ll receive an email with all the information needed to connect for the first time and create a password. Please refer to this tutorial about login for more information. 

General navigation

Once logged in to the platform (with MFA for security reasons), you’ll land directly on the Global Experience Dashboard

This dashboard is customizable and will display useful information about your account(s) and activities. 

Navigation panel

The navigation panel is a collapsible panel positioned on the left side of your screen. It gives access to the main features or workspaces of the platform, such as Web experimentation, Personalization, Libraries, Feature experimentation & RolloutsData Explorer, ROI Dashboard, and more. 

Top right options

What's new

The "What’s new?" section opens a panel on the right with the latest changelogs and the history of previous ones. If the bell has a red numeric circle, this means a new changelog article has been added and not seen.


"Help" gives you direct access to the following: 

  • Documentation: this current knowledge base
  • Tag changelogs: the specific release note page for all the tag releases
  • Submit feedback: a specific board you can access (you can access because you’re logged in to the AB Tasty platform) to post new requests about the product or the documentation, vote for the existing requests, and communicate directly with our Product team.
  • Contact us: a chat widget for chatting with our support team

Settings - Profile picto

By clicking on the picto "profile" you'll access directly the settings of your account, with the following shortcuts:

  • Organization: direct access to the section Organisation of the settings, specifically to the Organization management page to pilot your entire organization (all the accounts you manage as super admin, or the organization to which you belong).  
  • Account: direct access to the section Account of the settings, specifically to the page General Information of your active account (the one which is selected in the top dropdown)
  • Profile: direct access to the section Profile of the settings, specifically to the page Preferences to select your personal preferences on the platform
  • Implementation: direct access to the section Implementation of the settings, specifically to the Tag implementation page.
  • Advanced settings: direct access to the section Advanced settings of the settings, specifically to the One Visitor One test option, which is the first one of the list.

You can sign out of the platform by clicking the "Sign out". If you’re logged in to AB Tasty on different browsers or sessions, a pop-up will ask you if you want to log out of all sessions. We recommend that you use this option to be sure that your session is securely ended.

Change account dropdown

The change account dropdown gives access to every account to which you have access.

The only information that is common to different accounts is that relating to the organization: the specific cards on the Global Experience Dashboard and the information on the organization page. In all cases, only a super admin can access this information.

Refresh tag

The refresh tag feature is accessible in the header on every page of the platform. It informs about the generic tag status and the last updates, but is also a way to refresh your tag to publish the latest content. For more information about different status and how to use this feature, please refer to this specific article

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