How to create a trigger

A trigger is a temporary user condition that enables you to display your campaign in a specific context. The trigger enables the campaign to be displayed to the configured audience only when additional conditions are met.

Where to create triggers

You can create triggers in 2 areas of the platform:

  • in the targeting step of the campaign creation flow, inside the segment selection dropdown, by clicking on Create new trigger:

How to use the trigger builder

In both cases, the trigger builder opens:

From there, you will find a list of criteria categories that will help you define your trigger. Click the chevron to access specific options for that category.

Drag and drop your criteria from the left panel list to the working area on the right.

Each criterion will present different specificities. Fill in the requested fields depending on the trigger criteria you selected (see below for additional explanations on each criterion), and how you want to target your visitors.

With some criteria, you can add more conditions to your targeting by clicking Add conditions.

You can combine two or more criteria using AND or OR values found inside the trigger builder’s middle column:

  • AND means your campaign will only be shown to a visitor if ALL of the selected trigger criteria are met (more information in the section below)
  • OR means your campaign will be shown to a visitor if at least ONE of the selected trigger criteria is met

Don’t forget to name your trigger in the specific name field, found above the configuration space.

Click Save to save to retrieve it in your trigger library.

The available trigger criteria

If you need more information about the available criteria to build your triggers (how they exactly work), please refer to our reference article about triggers criteria

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