How to create a Simple Personalization

A Simple Personalization consists of displaying a new experience, message, or content on one page (e.g. homepage, basket page, etc.) or a string of equivalent pages that share the same layout (all your product pages, all your results pages, etc.) for a specific segment of visitors of your website. You can measure the performance of your campaign in the reportings.

To learn more about the differences between each type of test, refer to the Types of campaigns article. If you don’t know which type of campaign to choose, our virtual assistant Ally can help you.

To create a simple personalization, go to Personalization, click the Create button and select Simple Personalization.

👉 To learn about the different ways to create a campaign, please refer to How to create a campaign.


Step 1: Main information

The Main Information page is the first step toward your new campaign.

👉 For more information on how to configure this step, refer to How to set-up Main Information step.

Step 2: Editor

You have two ways to create content for your campaign in AB Tasty: 

With the visual editor

The Visual Editor enables you to create the personalized experience you want to push on your website for a specific segment.

👉 To learn how to use the Visual Editor, discover options, and dive into our widget libraries, please read the Visual Editor Guide

With the code editor

The Code Editor enables you to declare your code (JavaScript, CSS) without having to load the Visual Editor. The Code Editor is the best solution for developers who want to save time. To learn how to use the Code Editor, please read the Code Editor Guide.

👉 To learn how to use the Code Editor, please read the Code Editor Guide.

Step 3: Goals

Once you’ve created your Personalization, you can pre-configure your future reporting to identify easily the metrics that need to be followed as your primary goal (the one which is potentially the most impacted by your Personalization).

👉 To learn how to configure Goals, please read Campaign flow: Goals step.

Step 4: Targeting

WHO section: this is the most important section, where you have to choose the right segment as a function of the message you have created in the editor.

WHERE section: choose the unique URL (or a saved Page) or the type of pages having the same construction (such as Product pages) on which your message will be visible. The URL used in the editor step remains a sample of the URL(s) you configure in this step.

HOW section: this step is optional. You can add specific session-based triggers, such as a required number of viewed pages before displaying a message, the landing page of the session and so on.

👉 To learn how to configure targeting, please read How to setup a campaign targeting.

Step 5: Traffic allocation

If you allocate 100% of your traffic to your experience, you won’t be able to make a comparison with the original version. We recommend leaving 20 to 30% of your traffic on the original version (depending on the amount of traffic on your website) to be able to control the performance of your experience.

👉 To learn how to configure Traffic allocation, please read Traffic allocation.

Step 6: Advanced options

The advanced options are not mandatory. 

  • Enable the third party tool(s) you have connected to AB Tasty to send your test data to your tool.
  • Select a loading method for your campaign.
  • Activate Sequential testing to detect if your experiment will not be successful at all based on the results of your primary goal (if it is based on a Conversion/Transaction Rate).

👉 To learn how to configure Advanced options, please read Campaign flow: Advanced Options.

Step 7: QA

The QA of the campaign is one of the most important steps before launching your campaign into production. The QA allows you to verify and test in real condition : 

- the targeting configuration
- the tracking
- the modifications you've made

👉 To learn how to use the QA Assistant, please read QA Mode & QA Assistant.

If you want to launch your A/B Test at a specific hour on a specific day, and/or if you want to pause it at a specific hour on a specific day, see our guide on scheduling.

Use cases

Simple personalizations can be used in the following cases: 

💬 Message

🎯 Goal(s)

Displaying a banner to promote the opening of a store in New York for visitors living in NYC only, on desktop and mobile.

Offline impact 

Displaying a popin to promote free delivery during valentine’s day for prospects only.

Increasing transaction rate and average cart.

Displaying a popin on exit intent to promote newsletter subscription, using options and fields available on the homepage.

Boosting newsletter subscription.


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