How to edit Shadow DOM in the visual editor

This guide will walk you through the process of editing Shadow DOM elements using the visual editor. Shadow DOM is a powerful feature that allows for encapsulation of DOM and CSS, creating self-contained components. With the latest updates, our visual editor now supports editing these elements, enhancing your ability to personalize and experiment with modern web technologies.


Before you begin, ensure that:

  • You have access to the visual editor with the Shadow DOM feature enabled.
  • You are familiar with the basic navigation and functionality of the visual editor.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the visual editor

  • Open the Visual Editor: Navigate to your project and launch the visual editor. Ensure you are working on a campaign that supports Shadow DOM editing.

Step 2: Edit Shadow DOM Elements

  • Edit Shadow DOMs elements including styles, text and HTML

  • Add Widgets: You can add predefined widgets to elements within the Shadow DOM. Note that custom widgets are not supported.

  • Modify Styles: Use the CSS Variation Modal to apply styles specifically to Shadow DOM elements.
    • Declare a container for the Shadow DOM

  • CSS Overwrite or Merge: Choose whether to overwrite existing styles or merge new styles with existing ones.

Step 3: Apply JavaScript

The editor supports JavaScript functionality for elements within Shadow DOMs. Use the modal to specify selectors for both the container and the element.

Step 4: Save and review changes

  • Save Changes: After making your edits, ensure you save your changes within the editor.
  • Review Modifications: Use the Active Changes panel to review all modifications made to Shadow DOM elements.

Although it is technically possible to add a Shadow DOM inside another Shadow DOM, this approach is not supported by our solution. Additionally, note that this feature does not work with 'closed Shadow DOM

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