Data Explorer - List of Metrics and Dimensions

The Data Explorer enables you to filter your request using Metrics and Dimensions.


Here is the list of all Metrics available:

Metric name


General (common)
Visitors count Number of unique visitors
New visitors count Number of unique new visitors
Revisit rate Proportion of returning visitors versus all visitors
Revisits count Number of returning visitors
Bounce rate Proportion of bounces versus total sessions count
Bounces count Number of bounces
Session (common)
Sessions count Number of sessions count
New sessions count Number of first-time sessions
New sessions percentage Proportion of first-time sessions versus all sessions
Average sessions count per user Mean number of sessions per unique visitor
Average session duration Mean time spent per session
Total sessions duration Total time spent across all sessions
Hit (common)
Hits count Total number of hits received
Hit > Pageview tracker
Pageviews count Total number of page loads
Pageview visitors count Number of unique visitors that triggered a pageview
Average pageviews per user Mean number of pageviews per visitor
Average pageviews per session Mean number of pageviews per session
Pageview user conversion rate Proportion of users who viewed at least one page. By filtering this metric on a specific pageview property, you can get a pageview ratio on your whole user base.
Pageview session conversion rate Proportion of sessions with at least one pageview. By filtering this metric on a specific pageview property, you can get a pageview ratio on your sessions.
Pageview hostnames list Collection of hostnames where pages were viewed
Hit > Action tracker (Event)
Action tracker events count Total number of hits received via an action tracker
Unique action tracker events count Number of unique hits received via an action tracker
Action user conversion rate Proportion of users with at least one hit from an action tracker. By filtering this metric on a specific action tracker property, you can get an action tracker ratio on your users.
Action session conversion rate Proportion of sessions with at least one hit from an action tracker. By filtering this metric on a specific action tracker property, you can get an action tracker ratio on your sessions.
Hit > Transaction tracker
Transactions count Total number of completed transactions
Unique transactions count Number of unique transactions
Average product price Mean product price per transaction
Average product quantity Mean product quantity per transaction
Average revenue per user Mean revenue generated per visitor
Average revenue per transaction Mean revenue generated per transaction
Transaction shipping total Total shipping costs
Transaction tax total Total tax amount
Transaction revenue total Total revenue from all transactions
Transaction revenues list Collection of all transaction revenues
Transaction rate per user Proportion of transactions versus visitors count
Transaction user conversion rate Proportion of users who completed at least one transaction
Transaction session conversion rate Proportion of sessions with a transaction
Hit > Item
Total items revenue Total revenue from all items
Average item revenue per purchase Mean revenue per item purchased
Purchased item count Total number of items purchased
Unique purchased item count Number of unique items purchased. This metric counts how many different product types were purchased across transactions, regardless of the quantity of each item in those transactions.
- Transaction A: 3 spoons, 3 forks
- Transaction B: 3 spoons, 3 forks
Without any dimension, the result would be 4 because:
- Transaction A: 2 different product types
- Transaction B: 2 different product types
Total = 2 + 2 = 4
Average item count per purchase Mean number of items per purchase
Hit > NPS
NPS answers count Total number of NPS survey responses
NPS average score Mean NPS score
Hit > Screenview
Screenview count Total number of screen views
Screenview visitor count Number of unique screen views
Screenview user conversion rate Proportion of users who viewed at least one screen
Screenview session conversion rate Proportion of sessions with at least one screen view
User information (Common)
Cities list Collection of visitor cities
Regions list Collection of visitor regions
Countries list Collection of visitor countries
General advanced (Common)
Variation statistics Statistical data about test variations. It's a list showing how many times each variation appeared in the campaign's history, formatted as: <variation_id_1>, <number_of_appearances_1>, <variation_id_2>, <number_of_appearances_2>, ...
Last processed session time Timestamp of most recent processed session


Here is the list of all Dimensions available:

Dimension name


General (common)
Campaign Id Unique id of a campaign. A single hit can be related to multiple campaigns at the same time. For the "Campaign Id" dimension, each campaign id seen by the user since the beginning of the session when they triggered the hit will be returned.
Variation Id Unique id of a campaign variation. A single hit can be related to multiple campaign variations at the same time as multiple campaigns can be related to a same hit. For the "Variation Id" dimension, each campaign variation id seen by the user since the beginning of the session when they triggered the hit will be returned.
Country (Iso Code) The country of the user based on network geolocation.
Is new visitor Boolean indicating if the user is a new visitor or not.
Period (common)
Year The year in YYYY format
Month The month in MM format (between 1 and 12)
Week The week in ww format (between 0 and 53)
Date (per day) The day date in YYYY-MM-DD format
Hour The hour in unix seconds
Device information (common)
Device Category The device category between 3 categories : Mobile Phone, Desktop & Tablet
Browser The browser name in lowercase
Browser Version The browser version number. It should be combined with "Browser" dimension to return comprehensive data combining browser name and version.
Operating System The OS (operating system) of the user, can be Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android...
Hit (common)
Hit Id Unique identifier of a hit.
Hit timestamp Exact time when the hit occurred in unix timestamp format
Hit type The type of hit (pageview, action tracker event, transaction, etc.)
Hit Is first in session Boolean indicating if this is the first hit of a session
Hit Reference campaign Id Campaign Id explicitely associated with the hit. You should use the dimension "Hit Reference campaign Id" if you only want hits that are exclusive to a specific campaign id (ex: NPS hits, widget tracker hits, action tracker only available for a single campaign).
Hit Reference campaign Id with fallback Campaign Id explicitely associated with the hit fallbacked by regular "Campaign Id" dimension if missing. You should use the dimension "Hit Reference campaign Id with fallback" if you want the strictness of "Hit Reference campaign Id" while providing a fallback for non exlcusive trackers based on the flexibility of "Campaign Id" dimension.
Hit Reference variation Id Campaign variation Id explicitely associated with the hit. You should use the dimension "Hit Reference variation Id" if you only want hits that are exclusive to a specific campaign variation id (ex: NPS hits, widget tracker hits, action tracker only available for a single campaign).
Hit > Pageview tracker
Page URL Complete URL of the page where the pageview hit occurred.
Page Title Title of the page as defined in the HTML <title> tag
Page Path URL path component excluding domain and query parameters
Page Path Level1 First level of the URL path hierarchy
Page Path Level2 Second level of the URL path hierarchy
Page Path Level3 Third level of the URL path hierarchy
Page Path Level4 Fourth level of the URL path hierarchy
Next Page Path Path of the next pageview hit in the session
Hit > Action tracker (Event)
Action tracker type (ec) Action tracker event category classification (should be "Action Tracking"). See developer documentation for more information.
Action tracker event type Action tracker event type (ex: Click)
Action tracker name (ea) Name of the action tracker for this hit. See developer documentation for more information.
Event Label (el) Label of this action tracker hit. See developer documentation for more information.
Event Value (ev) Value of this action tracker hit. See developer documentation for more information.
Hit > Transaction tracker
Transaction Currency Currency code used for the transaction
Transaction Affiliation Affiliation name
Transaction Coupon Coupon code applied to the transaction
Transaction Payment method Method of payment used
Transaction Shipping method Method of shipping selected
Transaction Shipping cost Shipping cost in original currency
Transaction Shipping cost (Local currency) Shipping cost converted to local currency
Transaction Item count Number of items in the transaction
Transaction Revenue Total revenue in original currency
Transaction Revenue (Local currency) Total revenue converted to local currency
Transaction Tax Tax amount in original currency
Transaction Tax (Local currency) Tax amount converted to local currency
Transaction Id Unique identifier of a transaction
Hit > Item
Item Name Name of the product/item
Item Category Category classification of the item
Item Sku Stock keeping unit (SKU) identifier
Item Currency Currency code for the item price
Item Quantity Quantity of items purchased
Item Revenue Revenue from the item in original currency
Item Revenue (Local currency) Revenue from the item converted to local currency
Item Transaction Id Associated transaction unique identifier
Hit > NPS
NPS Score Numerical score given in NPS survey
NPS Feedback Text feedback provided with NPS response
Hit > Screenview
Screenview App Info Name Name of the application (
Screenview App Info Version Version number of the application (appInfo.version)
Screenview App Info Id Unique identifier for the application (
Screenview Installer Id Identifier of the app installer (appInfo.installerId)
Screenview App Name Name of the application (appInfo.appName)
Screenview App Version Version number of the application (appInfo.appVersion)
Screenview App Id Unique identifier for the application (appInfo.appId)
Screenview App Installer Id Identifier of the app installer (appInfo.appInstallerId)
Screenview Screen Name Name of the current screen
Screenview Landing Screen Name Name of the first screen viewed
Screenview Exit Screen Name Name of the last screen viewed
Screenview Screen Depth Depth of the current screen in the hierarchy
Custom (common)
Custom variable index Index number of the custom variable
Custom variable name Name of the custom variable
Custom variable value Value of the custom variable
General advanced (common)
Customer Id Unique identifier of a customer
Full Visitor Id Unique identifier of a visitor
Session Id Unique identifier of a session
Is Qa Boolean indicating if the hit is from QA testing
Is Bot Boolean indicating if the hit is from a bot
Is App Boolean indicating if the hit is from a mobile app
Is In App Webview Boolean indicating if the hit is from an in-app browser

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