EmotionsAI Page Analysis

The Page Analysis allows you to know about your traffic composition with EmotionsAI audiences and the conversion losses monitored on your webpages and thus the potential opportunities of improvement.

You will find on this page some elements both for configuring the requests of the analysis and for displaying them.

You can access this page through the main navigation : 

Note that if you recently created tracking to be used in this interface, only the Page Tracking will be retroactive. The Action Tracking and Custom Tracking are not, thus no data will be collected prior to their creation.

Configuring your Page Analysis’ context

First, on the left a panel you will have to configure the dimensions and metrics used for the insights requests.

Basically, this page allows you to see how many visitors on Page A have reached the Page B in their journey on your website.

Analyzed Page(s)

You will be able to configure the Analyzed Page(s). This dimension is for setting the Page(s) your visitors have visited in their journey and for which you want to analyse the performance.

By default this dimension is set as ‘All pages’ but you can use the dropdown to change the page.  In this dropdown you will find different type of tracking set in AB Tasty on the account level (what we call AAT) : 

  • Action Tracking
  • Page Tracking
  • Custom Tracking (using DataLayer or custom code)

Target Page

Linked to the Analyzed Page(s), you will configure the Target Page. This step is the objective on which you will analyse the performance of the Analyzed Page(s).

Configuring an Analyzed Page(s) and a Target Page is to look at how many visitors that have been on the Analyzed Page(s) had reached the Target Page you’ve set up and how they behave.

Same as the Analyzed Page(s), using a dropdown, you will be able to select the Step amongst : 

  • Action Tracking
  • Page Tracking
  • Custom Tracking (using DataLayer or custom code)


You will find there to obvious type of filter : 

  • the devices
  • the date range

You can select Desktop, Mobile or both of them as devices. As the EmotionsAI data pattern is scarce for Tablet users, we do not provide an Analysis view on this device.

For the date range, just select the start and end dates using the date picker and save the selection.

Applying the request settings

After configuring your perfect request, you can click on the Apply button to fetch the data and update the Analysis.

Note that you can reset the request too, it will go back to the previous setting.

Insights cards & table

This global view helps you define if your focus has to be on the main segments present in your audience or if other segments - maybe less present on your website - represent a higher potential of growth as they convert less.

Tracked Page Visitors Composition (purple)

This metric will show your visitors’ composition on the initial Tracked Page and grouped according to their EmotionsAI segments’ attribution.

Conversion losses by unsatisfied need (pink)

This metric will show you how your visitors performed in their journey from the Tracked Page to the Reached Step you chose. 

These opportunities are calculated from the size and conversion rates of the audience segments for which these needs are most important. For example, if visitors with a strong need for security are numerous in the audience and have a lower than average conversion rate, this indicates a strong opportunity to improve the user experience by presenting more secure elements.

Emotional Score

Emotional Score is a grade that helps you score your pages based on their ability to satisfy all emotional needs equally. 

For instance, a score of 75 corresponds to a situation where dissatisfaction of important emotional needs of the audience generates 25% conversion loss compared to the ideal situation (score = 100).

A score of 100 corresponds to a site that satisfies all emotional needs equally.

There is no standard threshold to consider a good/bad Emotional Score. It has to be compared to the average conversion rate of the step you are considering. For a page already converting at 98% (e.g.: a simple yes/no question to answer), Emotional Score will always be between 98 and 100, but on a step with a big drop (e.g.: having only 35% conversion rate), the Emotional Score may be very low.

💡 As soon as you are below 90 it means that you are losing at least 10% of your business on this specific step due to emotional dissatisfaction, and 10% may be a big loss depending on the revenue impact of that step.

Hands on our Analysis table

The graphic bars will adapt according to the number of visitors that reached the selected step according to: 

  • the top performing segment as a baseline for the conversion losses
  • the total number of traffic on the Tracked Page as a baseline for the Audiences composition

You can choose to display only the visitors or only the conversion losses or both of them.

Also, you can sort the table information by visitors or the conversion losses : 

When toggling on “Group by Emotional Profile” you can see the EmotionsAI regrouped in 2 categories : 

  • Intuitive (sum of Competition, Attention, Safety, Comfort and Community) 
  • Rational (sum of Immediacy, Notoriety, Understanding, Change and Quality).

On the top right of the table, you have also the possibility to display the graphics and data in percentage (%) or in raw numbers (123).

The percentage will be different according to the graph : 

  • For Tracked Page Visitors, it will be the proportion of visitors under a specific audience on all the visitors on the page(s) selected.
  • For Conversion Losses, it will show you the proportion of losses on the Reached Step for an audience on all the audiences conversion losses.

NB : you can also see the conversion rate of your audience by clicking on How is it calculated?

Lastly, medals (gold, silver and bronze) give it an olympic vibe and, joke aside, allow you to identify the EmotionsAI audiences you have to work on first as the opportunity potential is higher. 

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