Custom Widgets: List of propname Fields and Their Specificities

👉 To learn how to create a custom widget, refer to How to create a Custom Widget.

👉 To learn more about the functioning od Custom Widgets, refer to Custom widgets: global usage and information.

Here is the list of propname fields and their specificities​:


Displays a list of input numbers
It is primarily used to define box-model dimensions (top, right, bottom, left) for many uses, margins, padding, positioning, etc.


value: array containing an object
The number of elements in your object will define the number of inputs. Input labels are object keys and the values are the key/values from the object.

const paddingForm = {
  type: 'areainput',
  label: 'Container padding',
  propName: 'containerPadding',
  value: [{ top: 35, left: 60, bottom: 35, right: 60 }],


Displays a checkbox in the form


value: checkboxes do not have a value property but a checked property instead, which is a boolean

const triggerOnPageLoadForm = {
  type: 'checkbox',
  label: {
      en: 'Page load',
      fr: 'Au chargement de la page',
      es: 'Al cargar la página',
      de: 'Beim Laden der Seite',
  propName: 'pageLoad',
  checked: true,


Displays a code editor input
You can specify the code type (JS or CSS).


value: character string

Specific Property

rows: enables you to define the number of rows to display by default in the UI.

export const triggerEventCustomScript = {
  type: 'codeeditor',
  label: 'Custom Trigger JavaScript Code',
  propName: `TriggerEventCustom`,
  value: `
      async function launchIfScroll() {
          return new Promise(resolve => {
              document.addEventListener('scroll', () => resolve(true), {once: true});
      const result = await launchIfScroll();
      return resolve(result);`,
  rows: 15


Displays a color picker


value: character string

const backgroundColorForm = {
  type: 'colorpicker',
  label: 'Background color',
  propName: 'backgroundColor',
  value: "rgba(247, 247, 247, 1)",


Displays a simple date picker


value: date object or valid date string

DATA value: Date.tostring()
const inputDate = {
  type: 'datepicker',
  label: 'Pick a date to display',
  propName: 'date',
  value: new Date(),


Displays an all-in-one date and time picker, enabling you to get a requested date and time from users.
Can be used for a countdown, for instance.


value: date object or valid date string.
An empty date string will use the current date as the default value.

return value: Unix timestamp

const inputDateTime = {
  type: 'datetimepicker',
  label: 'Pick a date and time to display',
  propName: 'datetime',
  value: '',


Displays a datetimepicker, in addition to a collapsed group to set further information :

  • a toggle to follow the sun (will end at this time in each timezone or not)
  • a selection input to choose a timezone when needed (when the "follow the sun" toggle is off)


value: object with two properties at init :

  • type: should be set to init on the form part
  • value: same as datetimepicker but also allows a GMT timezone string

DATA value: a complete object

  • previewTimestamp: timestamp number (value to be used for the editor preview when the "follow the sun" toggle is on)
  • type: local or global value, depending on whether the "follow the sun" toggle is on or off.
  • timecustom widgets: object, in numbers, corresponding to the minute, hour, day, month, or year.
  • raw: object with all data:
  • followTheSun: boolean
  • previewTimezone: character string for geolocation timezone
    Ex: 'Europe/Paris' (value to be used for the editor preview when "follow the sun" toggle is on)
  • timedef: object. Same as timecustom widgets.
  • timezone: character string for geolocation timezone
    ex: 'America/Los_Angeles'
  • userContext: object with complete data related to the current user:
  • isInDST: boolean describing whether the user is currently in daylight - saving time or not.
  • local: object similar to timecustom widgets but with current user date and time values
  • offset: number resulting from getTimezoneOffset
  • timestamp: timestamp number
  • timezone: character string for geolocation timezone
    ex: 'Asia/Tokyo'
const inputDateTimeTimeZone = {
  type: 'datetimetimezonepicker',
  label: 'Pick a date and time to display',
  propName: 'datetimeTimezone',
  value: {
      type: 'init',
      value: '+0100'


Hides an input 

value: character string

const hiddenInput = {
  type: 'hidden',
  value: window.innerHeight,
  propName: 'innerHeightSetup',


Displays information to the user about the features of your form or custom widget


value: This custom widget does not need a value property.

Specific Properties:

label: character string corresponding to the message to be displayed

hrefUrl: character string corresponding to the URL you want the user to be redirected to

const documentationNotification = {
  type: 'inlinenotification',
  label: 'Click here to access documentation',
  hrefUrl: '',


Displays an input of type number


value: number

Specific Properties

You are also able to provide more properties:

min: number (default value is 0);

max: number (default value is 9999);

step: number (default value is 1).

const zindexCustomForm = {
  type: 'number',
  label: 'Custom z-index value',
  propName: 'zindexCustom',
  value: 1,
  min: -2147483647,
  max: 2147483647,


Displays text into the form.
It can be used to inform, alert, and so on

value: no value is needed in this case. 

Content should be placed in the text property - character string.

const styleHelper = {
  type: 'paragraph',
  text: `In that part you can add styles to your custom widget.`,


Displays a radio input with multiple radios


value: character string || number || boolean

Specific Property for Radio: 

options [Array of objects: {label: type label, value: same as value}]

const insertPositionForm = {
  type: 'radio',
  label: 'Select where to insert the custom widget compared to selected element',
  propName: 'insertPositionType',
  value: 'afterbegin',
  options: [
          label: 'Before selected element',
          value: 'beforebegin'
          label: 'At the beginning of selected element',
          value: 'afterbegin'
          label: 'At the end of selected element',
          value: 'beforeend'
          label: 'After selected element',
          value: 'afterend'


Display a radio input with images/icons as buttons


value: character string

Specific Property: options are the same as for radio label and style
The character string should be long or short, depending on the desired button size.

const textAlignmentForm = {
  type: 'radioImage',
  label: 'Text alignment',
  propName: 'textAlign',
  value: 'center',
  style: 'little',
  options: [
          label: 'Left',
          value: 'left',
          src: ``
          label: 'Center',
          value: 'center',
          src: ``
          label: 'Right',
          value: 'right',
          src: ``


Displays a select that includes a search input for selects that have several values


value: character string

Specific Property:options are the same as for radio

Specific Options Properties:

placeholder: character string.
Text to be displayed when the search field is empty.

const textFontNameForm = {
  type: 'searchselect',
  label: 'Select font',
  propName: 'fontName',
  value: 'inherit',
  placeholder: 'Search for a font',
  options: [
          'label': 'Inherited from element',
          'value': 'inherit',
          'description': '',
          'label': 'Roboto',
          'value': 'Roboto',
          'description': '12 styles',
          'label': 'Open Sans',
          'value': 'Open Sans',
          'description': '10 styles',
          'label': 'Lato',
          'value': 'Lato',
          'description': '10 styles',
          'label': 'Montserrat',
          'value': 'Montserrat',
          'description': '18 styles',


Displays a select


value: character string

Special Property: options are the same as for radio

const backgroundPositionForm = {
  type: 'select',
  label: 'Background position',
  propName: 'backgroundPosition',
  value: 'center',
  options: [
          label: 'Top',
          value: 'top'
          label: 'Bottom',
          value: 'bottom'
          label: 'Center',
          value: 'center'
          label: 'Left',
          value: 'left'
          label: 'Right',
          value: 'right'


Displays an input used to fill selectors containing a button.
It will enable the user to select a website element.


value: character string (more likely formatted as a CSS selector)

const triggerEventClick = {
  type: 'selectelement',
  label: 'Select the element that will trigger the custom widget on click'
  propName: `triggerElementClick`,
  value: 'body',


Displays a slider to select a number as a value


value: number

Specific Properties: min and max of type Number
Both are optional. The default values are 0 and 100.

const borderWidthForm = {
  type: 'slider',
  label: 'Border width',
  propName: 'borderWidth',
  value: 2,
  min: 0,
  max: 50,


Displays a switch that enables the user to select an option

value: boolean

const displayCloseButtonSwitchForm = {
  type: 'switch',
  label: 'Display close button',
  propName: 'closeButton',
  value: true,


Displays a text area that enables the user to enter text


value: character string

Specific Property: rows of Number type to define the number of rows of your textarea

const textContentForm = {
  type: 'textarea',
  label: 'Text to set in your custom widget',
  propName: 'textContent',
  value: `Your message goes here.
Keep it short and to the point. Make short sentences.
Invite your users to consider your idea.

You can do multi-line messages.`,
  rows: 6,


Displays a simple text input


value: character string

const buttonTextForm = {
  type: 'text',
  label: `Button's text`,
  propName: 'buttonText',
  value: 'See the offer',


A text type input dedicated to the URL
Format checking and error handling are managed by default.


value: character string

const linkForm = {
  type: 'url',
  label: `Button's URL`,
  propName: 'redirectionUrl',
  value: window.location.origin,


Displays a textarea input enriched with text styling features


value: character string

const custom widgetTextContent = {
  type: 'wysiwyg',
  label: 'Text',
  propName: 'content',
  value: `Your message goes here. Keep it short and to the point. Make short sentences. Invite your users to consider your idea.

​​​​​​​You can do multi-line messages.`,

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