Action Trackers


An Action Tracker (or Action tracking) enables you to track visitors who have clicked on a specific element of your website during their visit. 

There are 2 types of Action Trackers: 

  • Account Action Trackers (AAT): Action Trackers available at an account level

    Concretely, it means you can re-use any existing AAT in any campaign in the same account whatever the campaign : save a lot of time because you don’t need to recreate an XAT you would have created in a former similar campaign. 

  • Campaign (eXclusive) Action Trackers (XAT): Action Trackers available at a campaign level and exclusive to that campaign (cant get selected in another campaign than the one you created it in).

Once configured, an AAT is displayed in the Action Tracker list for every campaign, unless hidden.


In the article How to create and to manage Action trackers, you can see that these trackers are similar but can't be managed the same way. 


  You can You can't
Account Action Tracker AAT -- use the same name for 2 AAT
edit AAT
Switch to XAT
Campaign Action Tracker XAT use the same name for 2 XAT
edit XAT
Switch to AAT

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