General Reporting filters

To deep dive into campaign reporting data analysis and get refined results based on certain criteria, you can apply filters to your reporting, by choosing from a list of filters.The AB Tasty reporting lets you easily compare filtered data with non-filtered data, which enables you to make statistically accurate decisions. This concerns all types of goals and metrics.

Adding filters

You can select which filter you want to apply by clicking on the Filter button in the reporting header.

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You can then select from a list of filter categories.

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Once applied, your reporting will update, indicating:

  • The number of filters applied
  • The name of the filter. If several filters have been applied, they will be grouped
  • The percentage of visitors concerned by this filter.

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Adding filter groups

You can add up to two filter groups per report. The percentage of visitors per filter group is indicated as a pie chart in the reporting header.

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To add filter groups, click on the Filters button and select your first filter(s). You can then click on Add filter group to create the second filter group that will be used to compare against the first.
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This is ideal when you need to compare your campaign performance per goal.
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Common filters used for comparisons are:

  • Device: Mobile Vs Desktop
  • Browser: Chrome Vs Firefox
  • Loyalty: New visitors Vs Returning visitors

Filter Presets

You can create filter presets that can be reused later. This will help you save time and get the same filters applied to different data.

In the filter menu, click on the Filter presets tab and click on New preset filter. The Filter presets tab will also show you the number of existing presets.

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Default filter presets

You can apply up to two filter groups by default in a report.

You can set a default Filter preset, click on the star icon that appears while hovering the Filter preset.

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Clicking again on the star icon will remove the Filter preset as the default preset.

Clear filters

You can clear all filters by clicking on Filters -> Clear and close

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Expanding variation breakdown

Once a filter is applied, you can expand the results' breakdown by clicking on the Expanding arrow icon (pointing down):
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You can also collapse the breakdown using the Collapsing arrow (pointing up).
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Use case

Here is a common case where you may need to filter your reporting data:

Let’s say you implement an A/B test to analyze the performances of a new user flow for all users with no responsive design. Once the test is ready to be analyzed, you notice that one variation is performing better than the other. However, you want to know if this is also the case for mobile users. In this case, you can filter by device > mobile and you will be able to see the parallelized data to compare them.

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