How to QA the Transaction tag

Once the transaction tag is implemented on your website, you need to run it through the QA process. This will ensure that for each purchase, the information is correctly collected by the AB Tasty tag and that the transaction goal is visible on the goal configuration page.

If the transaction tag has been implemented properly, the data should be displayed after a few moment in the report. Otherwise, it means that it has not been installed the right way, and you need to review the code using this article. The transaction data is not retroactive and available only when the transaction tag has been implemented

There are three different ways to verify the transaction data collection: 

  • with the QA Assistant,
  • with the console’s Network tab,
  • with the Application/Local Storage tab of the console

The first part of the transaction tag generates a type=TRANSACTION query and the second part generates a type=ITEM query. Use the Chrome browser console to make sure the transaction tag hits are collected properly. Do this via your browser’s Network tab, in the Local Storage section.

With the QA Assistant

The QA Assistant allows you to QA both tracking and transactions. Transaction data can be found in the dedicated tab:

You can place a fake order on your website and access the confirmation page. If the transaction tag is correctly installed, you should see the transaction data accordingly. If nothing is sent to the QA Assistant, it means that data is not collected and that the transaction tag has not been implemented correctly. If that is the case, refer to How to implement the transaction tag? or to the Transaction tag FAQ.

With the Console’s Network Tab

Depending on the settings configured when implementing the transaction tag, these will also be listed with the transaction hit. 
Follow the steps below to make sure the transaction tag is sending hits properly:

  1. Access your website.
  2. Open your Chrome browser console.
  3. Open the Network tab.
  4. On the web page, add products to your cart and confirm your purchase.
  5. In the console, select the transaction hit.
  6. Click the Headers tab and make sure the TRANSACTION and ITEM settings are there.


Good to know 💡

The transaction name (ta) appears just as you configured it when implementing the transaction tag. The AB Tasty tag automatically fills in the generic settings such as vid, vp, ul, sn, sen, sd, etc. to qualify the hit.

With the Application/Local Storage Tab of the Console

You must also make sure the transaction and item type data has been collected and is present in your browser’s local storage.
Follow the steps below to make sure the transaction and item type data has been collected and is present in your browser’s local storage:

  1. Open the Application tab of the console.
  2. In the left-hand column, unfold the Local Storage entry.
  3. Select the ABTastyData key: All transaction and item type information is displayed.


Good to know 💡

You check that your transaction tag is correctly setup, you can also run an A/A test to check if the data is pulling through the reporting.

Once the transaction hit has been collected and the usual processing time is up (between 45 minutes and 4 hours), you can add the transaction goal to your campaigns.
For further information, refer to the Configuring Goals guide.

Follow the steps below to add the transaction goal to your campaigns:

  1. Create a new campaign in QA mode.
  2. Access the Goals step of your campaign.
  3. Click the Transaction goal.
  4. Select your transaction goal to add it as a main or secondary goal.

Good to know 💡
The goal name matches the value assigned to the ta setting during transaction tag implementation.

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